A call for cooperation of the Progressive Forces from the Socialists, the Greens and the Left in the EP

‘The European Integration in front of new challenges – The role of Progressive Forces’ – Great attendance at the Progressive Caucus’s event in the European Parliament With the participation of the Presidents Udo Bullmann (Socialists), Ska Keller (Greens), Gabi Zimmer (Left), and representatives from the parties SYRIZA (Greece), RAZEM (Poland), Generation.s (France), Ecolo (Belgium)   […]

BIG UPCOMING EVENT: The European Integration in front of new challenges

• “The European Integration in front of new challenges – The role of Progressive Forces” • Progressive Caucus’s event with the participation of the Presidents in the EP Udo Bullmann (Socialists), Ska Keller (Greens), Gabi Zimmer (Left), and representatives from the parties SYRIZA (Greece), RAZEM (Poland), Generation.s (France), Sinn Fein (Ireland), Ecolo (Belgium) • The event will take […]

Press release – Hearing: NGOs’ Proposal for an Alternative and sustainable Scenario for Europe

On Wednesday 6th December, the Progressive Caucus of the European Parliament* hosted a hearing of NGOs that presented their sixth scenario for an alternative and sustainable Europe in which care for people and planet are key. SDGWatch Europe and FoE Europe facilitated the collective work on the 6th scenario with around 250 civil society organisations. […]

Press Release: Hearing of NGOs on the sixth scenario by the Progressive Caucus

Brussels, 27.11.17 The «Progressive Caucus» of the European Parliament (a cross group initiative with Members from the GUE/NGL, S&D and Greens/EFA groups) organizes a public hearing of NGOs Civil society organisations will present their «6th scenario: Sustainable Europe for its citizens» The Progressive Caucus of the European Parliament* is hosting an event, during which will […]