Opinion Piece in European press: “Europe does not need CETA”

Members of the Progressive Caucus co-signed an opinion piece on CETA demonstrating that this agreement is not a progressive deal. This open-ed has successfully been published in various media. Germany – Die Zeit, 14.10.2016: http://www.zeit.de/wirtschaft/2016-10/ceta-freihandelsabkommen-kanada-eu-schiedsgerichte-ttip-verbraucherschutz France – Libération, 15.10.2016: http://www.liberation.fr/planete/2016/10/15/l-europe-n-a-pas-besoin-du-ceta_1522036 European – Euractiv, 16.10.2016: https://www.euractiv.com/section/trade-society/opinion/ceta-is-not-the-progressive-agreement-it-claims-to-be/ Bulgaria – Duma, 16.10.2016: http://www.duma.bg/node/133921 Spain – El Diario, 16.10.2016 […]

“CETA not the Progressive Agreement it claims to be”, Euractiv

By Marie Arena, S&D (Parti socialiste – Belgium); Guillaume Balas, S&D (Parti socialiste – France); Hugues Bayet, S&D (Parti socialiste – Belgium); Sergio Cofferati, S&D (Italy); Fabio De Masi, GUE/NGL (DIE LINKE – Germany); Yannick Jadot, Greens/EFA (Europe Ecologie – France); Eva Joly, Greens/EFA (Europe Ecologie – France); Stelios Kouloglou, GUE/NGL (ΣΥΡΙΖΑ – Greece); Curzio […]

Press Review: Event on CETA in the European Parliament

On 6th september, Progressive Members of the European Parliament, from different political groups organized a debate on CETA and free-trade agreements. The international press reported about this initiative of the Progressive Caucus of the European Parliament. El diario, 05.09.2016: http://www.eldiario.es/politica/Eurodiputados-socialistas-GUE-Bruselas-coordinar_0_555744667.html Repubblica, 06.09.2016: http://www.repubblica.it/europa/2016/09/06/news/al_parlamento_ue_nasce_il_progressive_caucus_per_la_sinistra_del_futuro_-66367 Eunews, 06.09.2016: http://www.eunews.it/2016/09/06/al-parlamento-ue-nasce-il-progressive-caucus-per-la-sinistra-del-futuro/66367 Teinteresa, 06.09.2016: http://www.teinteresa.es/mundo/Eurodiputados-izquierdas-ecologistas-UE-cooperativa_0_1645635584.html Real.gr, 06.09.2016: http://www.real.gr/DefaultArthro.aspx?page=arthro&id=534015&catID=1 RT, 06.09.2016: https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/218079-eurodiputados-izquierdas-ecologistas-se-unen-contra-ttip-ceta […]

The Progressive Caucus plays its part in the debate on CETA

About 250 people – citizens, NGOs, trade unions, academics, MEPs – attended the first public event on free-trade agreements TTIP and CETA organised by the Progressive Caucus at the European Parliament yesterday, Tuesday 6th September. Eminent speakers as Pascal Lamy (former Director-General of WTO), Jeronim Capaldo (Tufts University), Penny Clarke, (European Public Service Union), and […]