We call for more ambitious European measures to ensure solidarity and determination in the face of this unprecedented health and social crisis

Joint statement We call for more ambitious European measures to ensure solidarity and determination in the face of this unprecedented health and social crisis The COVID-19 pandemic has been shacking our lives, our health, our societies and our economies. This unprecedented crisis questions the very essence of our structures, threatening public health, civil protection, economic […]

‘Spitzenkandidaten’ for the Socialists, the Left, the Greens, and for ‘European Spring’, are giving their answers to Progressive Caucus’s 10 points

The lead candidates (spitzenkandidaten) for the European Commission’s presidency from the Party of European Socialists, the Party of European Left, the European Green Party, and ‘European Spring’, gave answers to Progressive Caucus’s 10 points for a political debate, ahead of the European elections, taking place on the 26th of May.

A call for cooperation of the Progressive Forces from the Socialists, the Greens and the Left in the EP

‘The European Integration in front of new challenges – The role of Progressive Forces’ – Great attendance at the Progressive Caucus’s event in the European Parliament With the participation of the Presidents Udo Bullmann (Socialists), Ska Keller (Greens), Gabi Zimmer (Left), and representatives from the parties SYRIZA (Greece), RAZEM (Poland), Generation.s (France), Ecolo (Belgium)   […]

BIG UPCOMING EVENT: The European Integration in front of new challenges

• “The European Integration in front of new challenges – The role of Progressive Forces” • Progressive Caucus’s event with the participation of the Presidents in the EP Udo Bullmann (Socialists), Ska Keller (Greens), Gabi Zimmer (Left), and representatives from the parties SYRIZA (Greece), RAZEM (Poland), Generation.s (France), Sinn Fein (Ireland), Ecolo (Belgium) • The event will take […]