On Europe’s day, the Progressive Caucus presented the missing scenario. The publication of the White Paper on the future of Europe prepared by the European Commission does not match the great challenges facing Europe. Progressive cannot give up the battle to transform the EU. Therefore, MEPs of the Progressive Caucus have worked on proposals built around six priorities.
This collective text has been signed by MEPs coming from the Greens, GUE/NGL and S&D groups. You can find the signatories and download the text in English and French at the following links:
EN: The Missing Scenario – There are alternatives for Europeans
FR: Le scénario manquant – des alternatives existent pour les Européens
These proposals are a basis for further discussion and aim to be completed with other political and social forces and put forward over the next period.
Dimitrios Papadimoulis – Vice President EU Parliament, MEP GUE/NGL: The Missing Scenario is summarizing our political priorities and should be a basis for joint initiatives and actions between our political families. This text is an attempt not only to criticize the multiple challenges Europe is facing but also to find common solutions for another Europe.
Eva Joly, MEP Greens: We want another scenario for Europe which puts citizens’ interests at its core of and ends austerity thanks to an ambitious “green transition plan”. Democratization of EU rules and procedures, and the fight for tax justice should be part of our political priorities.
Georgi Pirinski, MEP S&D: “We need a 6th scenario because the Commission is in denial as to the root causes of the existential crisis of the EU. Therefore, we stand for a truly Social Europe with collective bargaining, democratic governance of the EMU, a transformed European Semester, a protective trade policy, a greening industrial policy and a sustainable balance in international relations precluding the growth of nationalism”.
Press contact: Marie Geredakis, progressivecaucusep@gmail.com
Edited video & Photos © Vasileios Katsardis:
– Video Press Conference – English: https://youtu.be/dGVrn3dYG5E
– Photos- https://www.flickr.com/photos/55809559@N08/sets/72157683607383565