- Common article co-signed by 9 MEPs, members of Progressive Caucus’s Steering Committee, published on Euractiv
- ‘Defending a new Left and Ecological coalition’
- See at the end the article in Greek and French
A common article, under the title ‘Defending a new Left and Ecological coalition’, is co-signed by 9 MEPs, from three different political groups (GUE/ NGL, S&D, Greens/ ALE), who are also members of Progressive Caucus’s Steering Committee.
The article is published today on Euractiv, and it discusses the need of common actions between the Left, the Progressive, Ecological and Democratic forces all around Europe. It is co-signed by: Guillaume Balas (S&D) – France, Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/ NGL) – Greece, Ernest Urtasun (Greens/ALE) – Spain, Florent Marcellesi (Greens/ALE) – Spain, Eva Joly (Greens/ALE) – France, Elly Schlein (S&D) – Italy, Martin Schirdewan (GUE/NGL) – Germany, Sergio Cofferati (S&D) – Italy, Georgi Pirinski (S&D) – Bulgaria.
The MEPs underline, among others: ‘Progressive Caucus is a sign of hope for the future and a path for building a real alternative. It proves that links are possible’. And they continue: ‘We will be present in all the major initiatives to bring closer the progressive forces. We will be there at pan–European initiatives. We will be present at as many fights as possible to stand against the political status-quo. We will be at the European Forum of the progressive forces in Bilbao this November (9-11/11), as we were at the first attempt last year in Marseille. We will be present the day after the elections, to give life to a greater space, to make a bigger alliance with the political forces who wish change in a progressive, democratic and ecological transition’.
See below the full article:
Defending a new Left and Ecological coalition
On several occasions, during the last mandates of the European Parliament, attempts have been made to create spaces for dialogue and rapprochement between the different components of the Left and Ecological forces. The last three years, the Progressive Caucus has been part of this movement. It has probably moved further than past attempts.
In our discussions, a clear need has emerged to confront the two ‘poisons’ that prosper. NÂeo-liberalism and nationalism. These two are deeply correlated. Neo-liberalism, carried forward also by grand coalitions both at European and (in many cases) at national level, has fuelled the growth of inequality in Europe, the social downsizing and more environmental damages. Nationalism has led to the construction of the ‘foreigner’ and has blamed the EU as a ‘scapegoat’ responsible for our problems. We cannot allow this to happen in the European countries. Given this, it has been urgent to take the initiative to bring the progressive forces closer. We have been proceeding in three phases:
First: We create between the Left, the Progressives, the Greens and Ecologists an informal and free space for debate. We create a proposal for those wishing to share and compare their point of view.
Then: We act together. We organised meetings, forums, moments of reflection and proposals to defend Greece and the member-states that face the austerity. We listened to NGOs, and denounced the damages of free trade (TTIP, CETA).
Finally: We ask the major political question. How to foster the common action and unity of what the Ecologists and the Left, since we share so much?
With this question of unity, we have come to face the old political structures, the old reflex. Dis-unity bears the risk of the emergence of reactionary, neo-liberal, extremist, nationalist forces. It weakens our fight for social justice, which is also a necessary condition for a more urgent ecological transition. The European democratic framework is under attack more than ever before. The risk of our dis-unity can potentially foster the emergence of a future European Parliament dominated by the reactionary right. So, what form will the new social, green and democratic space take in the European Parliament?
In this political context, the division and fragmentation is nonsense, as well as a repetition of a generic front of grand coalitions without a clear break from recent neo-liberal schemes. That is why the Progressive Caucus is a sign of hope for the future and a path for building a real alternative. It proves that links are possible. Therefore, we will be present in all the major initiatives to bring closer the progressive forces. We will be there at pan–European initiatives. We will be present at as many fights as possible to stand against the political status-quo. We will be at the European Forum of the progressive forces in Bilbao this November (9-11/11), as we were at the first attempt last year in Marseille. We will be present the day after the elections, to give life to a greater space, to make a bigger alliance with the political forces who wish change in a left, progressive, democratic and ecological transition.
The Steering Committee of the Progressive Caucus
Guillaume Balas (S&D) – France
Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/ NGL) – Greece
Ernest Urtasun (Greens/ALE) – Spain
Florent Marcellesi (Greens/ALE) – Spain
Eva Joly (Greens/ALE) – France
Elly Schlein (S&D) – Italy
Martin Schirdewan (GUE/NGL) – Germany
Sergio Cofferati (S&D) – Italy
Georgi Pirinski (S&D) – Bulgaria
The Progressive Caucus is a space of dialogue based on confidence-building and open debate. Its aim is to analyse differences and build bridges between progressive allies in the European Parliament and across Europe. It has been established by progressive MEPs of different political groups and is open to everyone in the community of the European Parliament standing for solidarity, democracy, social justice and sustainability. In the Progressive Caucus participate MEPs from the S&D, the Greens/ EFA and the GUE/ NGL groups.
See here the original publication on Euractiv: https://www.euractiv.com/section/eu-elections-2019/opinion/defending-a-new-left-and-ecological-coalition/
Contact with journalists:
Mina Kostopoulou, +32 486206676
Albert Klein, +33 676881702
Website: http://www.progressivecaucus.eu/
Facebook page: @ProgressiveCaucusEP
Twitter: @Pro_Caucus_EP
Brussels, 01-10-2018
The article in French
- Défendre une Nouvelle Coalition de Gauche et Écologiste
- Για μια νέα Αριστερή και Οικολογική Συμμαχία
Στους διαλόγους αυτούς μια ξεκάθαρη ανάγκη έχει αναδυθεί. Να αντιμετωπιστούν τα δύο “δηλητήρια”: του νεοφιλελευθερισμού και του εθνικισμού. Αυτά τα δύο συνδέονται πολύ στενά. Ο νεοφιλελευθερισμός, υποστηριζόμενος και από μεγάλες συμμαχίες σε ευρωπαϊκό και (σε πολλές περιπτώσεις) εθνικό επίπεδο, έχει ενισχύσει την ανάπτυξη των ανισοτήτων στην Ευρώπη, την κοινωνική υποτίμηση, και έχει προκαλέσει πολλές περιβαλλοντικές καταστροφές. Ο εθνικισμός έχει οδηγήσει στην κατασκευή του “ξένου”, και έχει αναγάγει την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση σε “αποδιοπομπαίο τράγο” για τα προβλήματά μας. Δεν μπορούμε να επιτρέψουμε να συνεχιστεί αυτό. Δεδομένων των παραπάνω, έχει αποδειχθεί ιδιαίτερα αναγκαίο να λάβουμε την πρωτοβουλία να φέρουμε κοντά τις προοδευτικές δυνάμεις. Και μέχρι σήμερα ως «Προοδευτική Συμμαχία» (Progressive Caucus) έχουμε προχωρήσει σε τρία επίπεδα: