On Wednesday 6th December, the Progressive Caucus of the European Parliament* hosted a hearing of NGOs that presented their sixth scenario for an alternative and sustainable Europe in which care for people and planet are key.
SDGWatch Europe and FoE Europe facilitated the collective work on the 6th scenario with around 250 civil society organisations. It constitutes an answer to the White Paper on the Future of Europe, which was presented in March 2017 by the European Commission’s President, Jean-Claude Juncker.
Dimitris Papadimoulis (Vice-President EP GUE/NGL), Florent Marcellesi (MEP Greens/ALE) and Guillaume Balas (MEP, S&D), members of the Progressive Caucus, presented The Missing Scenario. Developing a similar approach, the Progressive Caucus produced a common document composed of six chapters and proposals on the future of Europe. They hope to foster in the near future a genuine debate with civil society to consolidate already existing convergences.
Dimitris Papadimoulis, Vice-President of the EP GUE/NGL: “As a first step for the next European elections, we want together with civil society, social organizations and movements, to help develop common solutions, share experiences and work on a progressive European agenda.”
Paul De Clerck, FoE Europe: “The White Paper of the European Commission is only asking if we want more or less Europe and not what kind of Europe. That is why we developed the sixth scenario based on previous civil society statements.”
Deirdre De Burca, SDG Watch Europe: “If the sixth scenario were to be implemented, the EU will not continue with business as usual. Sustainable development is a strong lever for action.”
David Holyoake, Bankwatch Network: “We need to imagine an EU budget that no longer favours big players and strong countries but which involves people.”
Florent Marcellesi, MEP Greens/ALE: “The Missing Scenario of the Progressive Caucus is presenting a new positive narrative. We want a Europe based on social justice, solidarity, democracy and sustainability and hope to start a genuine debate with civil society.”
Guillaume Balas, MEP S&D: “Civil society forces have demonstrated their ability to come together and build strong coalitions. We, progressive political forces, should also demonstrate our capacity of working on specific ideas for a common European project.”
For more information on the 6th scenario: http://www.foeeurope.org/sites/default/files/other/2017/6th_scenario_future_of_europe.pdf
For more information on the Missing Scenario of the Progressive Caucus: http://www.progressivecaucus.eu/follow-up-of-the-missing-scenario-event/